The analysis of poverty in the process of Rural-urban migration& Based on human capital, social capital 农村向城市移民过程中的贫困现象分析&基于人力资本、社会资本的角度
Rural-urban migration has been a powerful force in alleviating rural poverty and spreading economic prosperity in China. 农村向城市的流动人口已成为减轻农村贫困和发展中国经济的强大力量。
The essay suggests that the government should take measures to reduce the overflow of human capital in the process of rural-urban migration. 通过对城乡收入差距的影响因素分析可以发现:人力资本溢出因素对城乡收入差距拉大有显著影响。
In the initial stages of rural-urban migration, industrial wages are relatively low as the economy has an abundant labor supply. 在农村人口流入城市的初始阶段,由于劳动力富余,工资水平较低。
This paper uses the data from China Household Income Project ( CHIP, 2002) to study the relationship between the ratio of rural non-agricultural labor and rural-urban migration. 本文使用CHIP(2002)的数据研究中国农村非农劳动力就业比例与农村劳动力向城市转移之间的对应关系。
This paper reviews economic studies on rural-urban migration in china. 摘要本文综述了中国农村到城镇迂移问题的经济学研究。
Estimation and Analysis on Chinese Rural-Urban Migration Size; 中国乡&城人口迁移规模的测算与分析(1979-2003)
Only a few years ago, rural-urban migration was viewed favorably in the economic development literature. 几年前,人口从农村向城市的迁移在发展经济学文献中被认为是令人振奋的现象。
The eighth: rural-urban migration and institution arrangement of human capital investment. 第8章,乡城迁移劳动力人力资本自投资制度安排。
The third: a mathematical model of rural-urban migration and the existent problems in Chinese labor migration. 第3章,乡城迁移模型与中国乡城劳动力迁移中存在问题;
From the supply of providing for the aged system, rural-urban migration helps to enhance old population's economic guarantee, but it has disadvantages in the living care and spirit comfort. 从养老保障的供给方面看,人口乡城迁移有助于提高农村地区老年人的经济保障水平,但在生活照料和精神慰藉方面会有所欠缺。
Effective Rural-urban migration and economic development Electric City 有效乡-城迁移与经济发展
In particular the results demonstrate the importance of rural-urban migration and the transformation of rural settlements into cities in causing a high rate of population growth in urban areas, and an aging population in rural areas. 揭示了城乡间的迁移和农村居民身份的改变,是城镇地区人口高速增长的重要因素。伴随城镇化的加速,农村地区人口老龄化速度快于城市。
The Impacts of Income Gaps on Rural-Urban Migration Decisions in China 论收入差距对中国乡城迁移决策的影响
In dynamics, rural-urban migration has active effect on the average education level of the nation population. 乡一城迁移总体上对全国常住人口平均受教育程度具有一定的提升效应,但对分城乡的常住人口平均受教育程度则具有一定的双向下降效应;
No comprehensive study on the consequences of rural-urban migration on the familial old-support systems in rural areas has been carried out in China. 中国的乡城迁移对农村家庭养老的影响及影响的程度迄今仍是一个缺乏细致研究的领域。
This article examines six characteristics of rural-urban migration in China: low cost industrialization, semi-urbanization, high cost urbanism, dual system of urban citizenship, bad order of migration and difficult integration of migrants. 新时期农民工流动的过程中伴生了工业化和城镇化的六个特点:低价工业化、半城镇化、高价城式化、市民化进程二元化特征、无序人口流动、城市融合进程多样化和复杂化。
With the urbanization process to move forward, the expansion of rural-urban migration, rural homestead use efficiency is low, the circulation of the right to use homestead are disorder outside legal regulation. 随着城市化进程的向前推进,城乡人口流动性扩大,农村宅基地利用效率低下,宅基地使用权的流转也在法律规制之外无序流转。
More precisely, we develop a heterogeneous rural-urban migration model to analyze the phenomenon. 我们建立了一个异质的农村人口向城市迁徙的模型来研究这个现象。
It is the heterogeneity that makes the fact that the migration would reach the equilibrium even there still lie income disparity of the rural and the urban area. We could discuss how different institution which hinders rural-urban migration makes labor supply curve move to right. 我们可以讨论种种阻碍乡城劳动力迁移的制度因素,是如何通过移动劳动力供给曲线,使得均衡点仍然存在较大的城乡收入差距。
Rural-Urban migration is an important issue, which matters the welfare of millions of farmers and the future development of China. 农村劳动力的迁移是一个重要问题,它不仅关系到数亿农民的福利水平,也关系到中国未来的发展。
The Economists used to making a lot of research on the rural-urban migration. The ideal economic model hopes the migration of labor could make the income difference between city and country getting smaller and finally reach an equal level. 经济学研究曾对乡城劳动力的迁移和流动做过大量研究,在理想的经济学模型里,随着农村劳动力向城市的迁移,城乡的收入差距会不断缩小,最后会趋于相等,达到均衡。
As the same of general population movement, population Rural-Urban Migration is the result of redistribution by regional effective energy distribution. 与一般的人口迁移一样,人口城乡迁移也是人口按照区域有效能量的分布状况进行再分布的结果。
The rural-urban migration has a huge impact on marital relationship. 而城乡迁移对于婚姻关系有着巨大的影响。
The innovation of this thesis lies in the research of rural-urban migration from both economic and non-economic factors and the empirical test of the non-economic factors such as land system and city biased policies through the econometrics model. 本文的创新点在于从经济因素和非经济因素的角度对乡城移民进行考察,并且通过计量经济学模型对土地制度、城市偏向性政策等非经济因素进行了实证检验。
In the classic models, the rural-urban migration is just the consequence of industrialization. 在传统的迁移模型里,乡城劳动力的迁移只是城市工业扩展和发展的结果。
Voluntary rural – urban migration typed peasants 'skill citizenization is the process that peasants under the economic restraints make training decision and voluntary rural-urban migration. 自发性乡城迁移式农民技能市民化是农民根据自身的经济约束做出培训决策和进城务工决策的过程。
Industrialization is the modernization of agriculture and rural. Rural community development and rural-urban migration promotes rural social capital changes. 工业化也是农业和农村的现代化,农村社区建设和城乡人口流动促进农村社会资本变迁。
Why? Todaro explained this by using the concept of expected income to build up the classic rural-urban migration model. 这是为什么呢?托达罗用预期收入的概念构建了经典的乡城劳动力迁移模型。
In this way, our model builds a two-way system which connects rural-urban migration with the development of urban industry sector. 这就建立了一个互动双向的反馈机制,把乡城劳动力迁移和城市工业发展联系了起来。